Mission Statement
The mission of this association shall be to advance the sale and service of flowers through education, events, and social functions: and to promote integrity, honesty, and professionalism in the floral industry.
The establishment of the South Dakota Florists Association was inevitable evolution. The need for florists to unite and work together as an organization was ignited by the ever changing economy, communication, networking and other marketing tools. Many factors in the world and industry can only be handled responsibly and thoroughly through an organized effort.
In 1994, Forty-two other states had florists associations. The associations were for the continuing education of florists, for enabling florists to receive benefits as a group, and for the promotion of the floral industry as the gift giving choice. An informal meeting was held during the fall of 1994 to evaluate the need for South Dakota to have its own association. The general consensus of the florists present was to continue to explore and from this exploration the South Dakota Florists Association (SDFA) was born.
All initial work of the SDFA was done on a volunteer basis, and volunteerism has become the foundation of the organization. The first set of officers and board of directors were appointed. These people were willing to give up their extra time for the future of the florists in South Dakota.
The officers and board of directors then created the by-laws and set up a treasury. Positive recruitment then started to welcome all florists of the state to the new organization. The by-laws were approved by the members at the first annual meeting held in March 1996, in Chamberlain at Cedar Shores Resort.
Response to SDFA has been very positive and members are very supportive. We would like to invite you to become a member.